Today Economy In Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's economy and how they face the economic crisis.

 Sri Lanka is a very prosperous country which has many resources all around the island!! The main income sources are here is apparel manufacturing, the tourism industry, and the agriculture industry(Ceylon cinnamon, Ceylon tea, coconut products, and many more) all around the island have a fishing industry that could get a big international market! If you eat a mango and throw the seed somewhere it will grow in a few months in Sri Lanka, all year through tropical weather! No off-season for tourists if they want to explore beaches, mountains, waterfalls, and lagoons in another side history, culture, architecture, or Buddhism!!

 When the crisis hit the local community, was really hard for everyone. No electricity per day 10 hours, no fuel for weeks, no cooking gas for months! But with the new president now we have everything as usual! The young generation did a massive attractive silent protest all around the island which could kick off the most powerful president in history after Britain gave the freedom! The unity of the people's power was so strong! Under the new president electricity and fuel Supply were stabilized! Average price compared to other countries in Asia is still sri lanka cheap for Europeans and Americans! When the crisis time in 2022. 1$=360 lkr highest rate in history. 240lkr=1 $ 2021 Before 2020 it 141lkr=1$ Food and fuel prices gona high more than 6 7 and many times of something! And now they facing huge tax cuts not excepting future additions! The inflation rate was very high before the end of 2022! But in 2023 may it is going to stabilize little by little! but its still hard for everyone. 

 In now 2023 August many Europeans, Englands, Australians, Russian and Indians are on the way to explore beauty of Sri lanka and now it make a big hope in the younger generation who still stay in the country if something not happen in future economy will be stable with comparing to 2018. and tourisam industry grow again as earlier. 


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